Dr. Shamsuddin M Tareq

Dr. Shamsuddin M Tareq

Profile: Senior macro economist with extensive experience working in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Strong training in macroeconomic analysis and economic and financial policy making in a variety of countries. Specialized in fiscal policy issues in low-income countries, public financial management, and poverty and social impact analysis of policy measures. Fluent in English, Urdu, Bengali; beginning Arabic. Other strengths:


Policy Development and Research     Management and Supervision


Public Speaking and Presentation       Team Leadership


Client Relations


International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. 1989-2023:


Deputy Division Chief, Resource Management Division, Fiscal Affairs Department (2013- present). Prepared departmental budget (largest departmental budget in the Fund) and technical assistance (TA) delivery work plan (covering 40 percent of all Fund TA). Supervised the execution of the budget and TA plan. Developed departmental policy on implementation and governance on newly introduced TA management IT system. Led TA missions on tax policy (Sri Lanka), expenditure rationalization (Jordan) and wage-bill reform (Tunisia)


Deputy Division Chief, Government Finance Division, Statistics Department (2012- 2013). Coordinated departmental contributions to two IMF Board papers—on fiscal transparency and on natural resources. Led TA missions to Malaysia and Moldova. Led a team of economists in designing, preparing, and presenting two innovative courses on Government Finance Statistics in St. Kitts and Kuwait City. Trained newly recruited experts. Supervised the preparation of working papers by summer interns.


Deputy Division Chief, Expenditure Policy Division, Fiscal Affairs Department (2002-2012). Carried out policy analyses and prepared policy papers on wide variety of fiscal policy issues and their macroeconomic implications (e.g., the composition of public expenditure in Fund-supported programs; the poverty and social impact of economic policies in Fund-supported programs; reform of public wages and employment; and subsidy reforms). Led TA missions on short-term expenditure rationalization, wage-bill reforms, poverty and social impact analysis of Fund-supported reforms and reform of public financial management systems.


Senior Economist, Policy Development and Review Department (1998 to 2002). Reviewed program documents for both low- and middle-income countries to assess program design and performance against conditionality. Co-authored two Board papers on performance under Fund programs in low-income countries and design of monetary and fiscal policies in low- and middle-income countries. Prepared balance of payments analysis and debt-restructuring scenarios for East Timor, Mongolia, and Uganda.


IMF Resident Representative, Country of assignment: Pakistan (1995 to 1998). As part of the country team, negotiated several Fund-supported programs and monitored their execution, including meeting conditionalities. Provided on the spot technical assistance and policy advice on issues raised by Pakistan authorities. Conducted outreach activities to inform the public about Fund policies and programs and explain Fund’s engagement with country authorities.


Economist, Middle Eastern Department (1990 to 1995). Desk economist for Jordan, Kuwait, Libya and Pakistan. Prepared a confidential note for Kuwait authorities on restoration of banking services following the restoration of legitimate authority after the end of first Gulf War. Participated in program negotiation and monitoring missions to Jordan and Pakistan as well as  annual consultation missions to Kuwait, Libya and Oman and TA mission to Kuwait on fiscal issues.


Economist Program, Monetary and Financial Statistics Division, Statistics Department (1989 to 1990). Participated in technical assistance missions to Libya and annual consultation mission to Antigua and Barbuda. Responsible for monetary and banking data published in the IFS for a number of countries.

